Gearless PanamaxLighterage at Cochin
LOTS group was awarded the Contract of Affreightment (CoA) to ship 350,000 MT of Rock Phosphate from Morocco to India. To execute the CoA, a Panamax Bulk Carrier instead of the normal Handymax was used. LOTS-India had the challenging task of lightening the gearless Panamax at the Cochin Outer Anchorage to bring down its draft by 4 metres, thus allowing the vessel to enter the port. The cargo had been loaded at Casablanca, and diverted to Mumbai where LOTS-Indiaplaced on board 4 Nos. Crawler cranes in the outer anchorage of Mumbai using a floating crane. LOTS-India discharged the cargo to the barges at Cochin Anchorage to lighten the ship and transported the material to FACT.