Unlocking Value of River & Sea for Transportation and Logistics

Our Projects

Gearless PanamaxLighterage at Cochin

LOTS group was awarded the Contract of Affreightment (CoA) to ship 350,000 MT of Rock Phosphate from Morocco to India. To execute the CoA, a Panamax Bulk Carrier instead of the normal Handymax was used. LOTS-India had the challenging task of lightening the gearless Panamax at the Cochin Outer Anchorage to bring down its draft by 4 metres, thus allowing the vessel to enter the port. The cargo had been loaded at Casablanca, and diverted to Mumbai where LOTS-Indiaplaced on board 4 Nos. Crawler cranes in the outer anchorage of Mumbai using a floating crane. LOTS-India discharged the cargo to the barges at Cochin Anchorage to lighten the ship and transported the material to FACT.