Pusher Tug project in Sudan
Master Shipyard Private Limited, an associate company of LOTS-India, entered into an agreement with Tristar Energy for River Transport Limited, Khartoum- Sudan, for the construction and launching of a 28-M Pusher Tug [TRISTAR NILE] on the White Nile in Sudan. The hull of the Tugs was fabricated in 20 modules at Master Shipyard, Cochin, and shipped to Port Sudan by sea. These modules were then transported to KOSTI, Sudan, by road (1300 KMs from Port Sudan). A yard was set up in the banks of White Nile River at Kosti and the modules were assembled. The engines and propulsion units were fitted in the yard and the vessel was launched using air bags. The outfitting work, sea trials, etc. were carried out successfully and the vessel was handed over to the owners for operation in River While Nile.